Scientists cuddle up with puppies for the sake of research, prove this theory

Oct 24, 2012 10:28 GMT  ·  By
Puppies only catch contagious yawning after they become empathic, researchers say
   Puppies only catch contagious yawning after they become empathic, researchers say

One group of Danish scientists have recently carried out a series of experiments which led them to the conclusion that, like human children, puppies only catch the disease known as “contagious yawning” once they are old enough to understand empathy.

As PopSci informs us, this only happens when the pooches grow older than 7 months.

Thus, after cuddling with as many as 35 Danish puppies and pretending to yawn in front of them, the researchers who carried out this investigation found that those younger than seven months could not care less that the human standing in front of them might be tired.

Apparently, this study shows that humans and other animals develop in roughly the same manner.

Thus, children typically begin to respond to seeing other people yawn when they are about 4 years old and begin developing their cognitive abilities.