"Snog, Marry or Avoid" TV program showed the impressive transformation of Mel

Feb 26, 2014 08:57 GMT  ·  By

On an episode of the British show “Snog, Marry or Avoid,” a 20-year-old girl from Liverpool suffered a radical transformation from punk rocker to a really attractive woman.

“The thing I love most about my style is the studs, the tattoos and the leather. If it's not ripped, rip it and dye your hair the brightest colors ever. I couldn't care less what anyone says about me,” the young woman said before the show, as reported by the Mirror.

The BBC3 TV program shows the transformation of punk rocker Mel into a real stunner. The girl had to ditch her pink mohawk, the numerous facial piercings, the loud clothing and the leather jacket in favor of a beautiful hairdo and a more decent make-up. The results of the makeover are really impressive, as she proves to be a natural beauty.

Obviously, this type of TV shows that present dramatic transformations tend to exaggerate the differences, but even so, this is a rather unexpected change. Mel is hardly recognizable after the makeover. She seems less intimidating and more approachable.

However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so while Mel may look more beautiful after the makeover to some people, others may think that her punk appearance was better or more appropriate for her personality. Perhaps the old look better fitted her lifestyle and principles.

Beauty is a relative and subjective concept and people’s perceptions are very different in this regard, as this characteristic must also involve a sense of harmony with other aspects of our lives. That’s why, though beauty presents a standard of comparison with the others, no one should feel forced to change just to fit with what is “acceptable” beauty in order to be considered beautiful. The most important thing is to be comfortable with yourself.

In the video embedded below, Mel seems to be quite happy with the change. “I've never seen myself like this before,” she says, adding that she feels really attractive and she intends to keep the new look.

Although this episode of the show was originally broadcast in November last year, the video of Mel's surprising transformation has gone viral recently thanks to a Reddit user. The YouTube video has gathered over 1.4 million views.

The viewers’ reactions are mixed, as some appreciate the change, but others think that her previous look was a better way of self-expression for Mel.   “’Now you're beautiful because society thinks so!’ Wow...this makes me sick. Forget individualism and personal style, let's wear what other people want us to wear,” writes a YouTube user.

“My jaw just dropped all the way to the basement floor,” says another.