Office defense

Dec 5, 2008 09:17 GMT  ·  By

We're sure that nobody likes getting to the office in the morning and looking for his/her cup of coffee or tea, just to learn that some other colleague has already taken it and is using it. This is, of course, an impolite thing to do, especially when we're talking clearly different mugs and with rather distinct elements to tell whom they belong to. Well, if you're sick of all this "I'll take your cup" thing, salvation is now at hand in the body of the Plug Mug, one of the most wicked of all cups we've seen yet.


Since beating your colleague senseless for repeatedly using your cup without being allowed to isn't at all the right way to solve this problem, how about denying them the very functionality of your mug?


The Plug Mug comes with a truly evil feature: a hole in the wall, in the lower side. If you're the one to use your cup, just fill the hole with the special supplied plug and enjoy your coffee in the morning. The plug is made from a non-allergenic food-safe rubber and obviously comes in the right diameter to fill the hole perfectly and make it watertight. And as the plug comes with a small ring, attaching it to your keys or access card is easy; or you can hide it around your desk.


Just remember to take out the plug as you're done with your cup. Just wash it well and leave it in the place you used to. And you could even rotate it so that no clue about its wickedness will be detected. Eventually, your colleague will take it using the handle and start pouring in hot tea or coffee; yes, you've guessed it right: the hot beverage will spill all over the place and make a real mess.


Then you can say "see what's happening if you use a mug that's not yours?" and have a good laugh. And if the mug abuser happens to get scared as the hot tea will start rushing out of the open hole and drop the mug to its demise, you are of course entitled for a refund from him/her. The Plug Mug is less than $15 and can be purchased here. Now, most likely, your relationship with the mug-abuser will not grow warmer, but, after all, it wasn't you who started all this up. Works equally well for all sorts of pranks; just remember to plug the hole before you use this mug yourself!



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Photo Gallery (2 Images)

The Plug Mug, hardcore office defense
Your colleague will definitely stop using your mug after the first round
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