Does this mean that faithful fans will only see exclusives?

May 24, 2007 07:41 GMT  ·  By

A Newsweek blog yesterday revealed the most shocking of possibilities for the PS3 to lose the fight. Not getting games that have already gone multiplatform, may be the last blow that the PS3 will get this generation, as game journalist, Geoff Keighley reveals that some publishers may actually pull previously multi-platform titles from release, if unit sales continue to fall below the 100,000 mark.

Here's his response to another opinion concerning the same matter: "And we both know the sales need to pick up, pronto--especially if Sony wants to keep third party interest. Already third party executives are telling me that if PS3 sales stay below 100k for 3 consecutive months, PS3 SKUs may start disappearing from release lists and in turn create a wealth of de-facto exclusives for the Xbox 360."

The truth is, if you think about it, the PS3 is getting too little out of everything, including demos and downloadable content via its Network. Sony's trying as hard as they can to cover the whole thing up blaming it on the fuss developers go through with the fancy machine. Developers in return, try to be as diplomatic as possible about it and say the same, but the reality is that the console just doesn't sell. How can anyone assume the risk of releasing an award winning title on a platform that gathers dust on store shelves?

A good example would be Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, as EvilAvatar points out. Ubisoft has had six months now to decide whether to release it for the PS3 or not, yet not even the lousiest rumor emerged of its port to Sony's next-gen console. How come? I'm no fortune teller, but something tells me that the developer couldn't have just forgotten about the existence of the Blu-ray playing, $600 worth of gaming hardware from Sony.

Let's just hope it doesn't get any worse.