Since the professor doesn't have a cell phone, he didn't immediately learn of the prize

Oct 14, 2013 13:57 GMT  ·  By

Professor Peter Higgs, one of the winners of the Nobel Prize for Physics, admits he learned about the event on the streets.

According to the Pentagon Post, Higgs was walking down the street in Edinburgh, returning home, when a former neighbor congratulated him.

The 84-year-old asked what she was congratulating him on and she informed him about the Nobel award winning. “She told me her daughter phoned from London to alert her to the fact I had got this prize. I heard more about it, obviously, when I got home and started reading the messages,” he said.

However, the professor doesn’t seem too thrilled about what’s coming next now that he’s won the award alongside Francois Englert. “I think I face the immediate future with some foreboding because having experienced the wave of attention which followed the announcement at Cern in July 2012,” Higgs said.