Upset fans will finally get their answers on July 21

May 26, 2009 08:13 GMT  ·  By
Fans to get 88 special minutes of “Prison Break” on DVD edition, out on July 21
   Fans to get 88 special minutes of “Prison Break” on DVD edition, out on July 21

Millions of fans were left heart-broken and bitterly disappointed by the way in which the four-year “Prison Break” series ended a couple of weeks ago, but perhaps they should not rush to forget about the show that literally wrote the book on prison-themed series. On July 21, a special DVD edition, “Prison Break – The Final Break” will be released, as The Examiner reports.

As many fans must already know, the special production, made solely with the purpose of going straight to DVD, will try to explain the couple of years that the series finale overlooks, the aforementioned source informs. In doing so, it will explain many details that have been left hanging, while also tying up loose ends and, at the same time, bringing some form of consolation to fans who were upset by Michael’s death.

“The 88-minute direct-to-DVD production will give viewers a glimpse into what happened in between the handful of years that the finale eclipsed towards the end of the series. Some fans were upset with the tragic conclusion of the series, and this DVD release will help shed some light on what happened in the finale – and why.” The Examiner further says. Of course, the special production will not change anything about the ending of the series, that much is understood but, hopefully, fans will finally be able to accept why Wentworth Miller’s character had to die.

Speaking of the ending of the series, just recently, executive producer Matt Olmstead was telling Michael Ausiello of The Ausiello Files that Michael’s death was necessary for more reasons than one and fans needed to understand that. “[The idea of killing him] started as a discussion with Wentworth [Miller] around Season 2. He brought up a good point: His character’s hands are as dirty as anyone’s. If you look at the initial act that he committed – robbing a bank to get into prison to break his brother out – there were ramifications to that; a lot of people got hurt. Not by them, but when they rattled the cage of the company that was after them, the body count started to pile out. And Michael was aware of this. And we’ve addressed his guilt throughout the show. But at a certain point, it felt nobler to have the character die so that others could live.” Olmstead was saying a short while back.

However, for fans looking for an even better explanation, “The Final Break” hits stores on July 21.