The Pink Solio Universal Hybrid Charger

Aug 28, 2006 06:37 GMT  ·  By

Are you the kind of person that travels a lot, so you need a portable charger for your many electronic gadgets? And, most importantly, are you into the pink color? Well, if both conditions apply, then there's a really interesting device out there for you, namely the Solio Universal Hybrid Charger.

Even if it looks rather innocent, this pinkish little thing packs quite a punch. Thus, it is able to store energy from both the sun or the ordinary wall socket, and then use it to charge a wide range of devices, as for example mobile phones, iPods, handhelds and all other sorts of portable gadgets via the interchangeable tip system for multiple devices.

Here are some of the most important features of this very useful and (arguably) cute device:

- Dimensions: 11.94 x 3.30 x 6.35 cm; - Weight: 156 grams; - Battery: internal, rechargeable 3.6 V, 1600mAh Lithium Ion; - Solar panel output: 155mA @ 6 V; - 1 hour of sun shine provides around 1 hour of functioning time; - Weather resistant, compact and durable design; - Comes packed with a large number of adapters, including tip adapters and power adapters for various regions.

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