The Mushroom Men allow you to write their history

Jul 1, 2008 07:11 GMT  ·  By

With all the hype surrounding Spore, we're not surprised to see that games which either present you the Spore Wars (Wii) or what happened before the Spore Wars (DS) are thrown at us. The fact is that you can't even blame these two titles for trying to steal a bit of the attention focused on Spore, since they are some completely different games and have the entire needed backup to use such subtitles.

We're talking here about two titles that are going to be released by the end of the year: Mushroom Men - Rise of the Fungi and Mushroom Men - The Spore Wars. The former is developed for the Nintendo DS and will hit the market first as an introduction to the latter, which will be available for the Nintendo Wii and will show us the next chapter in the Mushroom Men saga. In other words, we'll have something like a game and its sequel released at short intervals of time, for two different gaming platforms.

The first to be released is the DS version, Mushroom Men - Rise of the Fungi and it comes with the story before the Spore Wars: after a strange, green meteor plummets through Earth's atmosphere, all life changes on the planet, turning all insects and animals into semi-intelligent, warlike communities. The Rise of the Fungi shows the development of the Mushroom nations, when they were just learning to walk, communicate with each other and interact with the world. Basically, you will write the entire history before the beginning of the biggest war. Of course, during this time, you'll have your fair share of smaller, less important (but nevertheless fun) wars and fights.

Mushroom Men - Rise of the Fungi will be launched this October and soon after, we expect to see the Wii sequel (if we can call it that way). We have no information regarding the release date, though but we'll keep you updated.