New Questions & Answers website rolled out

Oct 22, 2007 19:31 GMT  ·  By

The job interviews are those moments in your life when you have to prove all you're capable of in order to convince the interviewers that you're the one for the job. The sad thing is that you don't know all the questions asked by the interviewers and you can't even guess the perfect answers for them. But you can try it on InterviewUp, a new questions & answers website which invites both interviewees and interviewers to share questions and answers related to job interviews. The best thing about it is that it is based on a Digg-like interface which allows readers to vote the best entry as well as to post comments and chat with other members.

Moreover, you can use the service without registering for an account so it's pretty easy to get informed. Based on the 'Get that job now!' motto, InterviewUp is even able to work with widgets in order to get questions or answers on other websites.

"Also be sure to create a free InterviewUp account where you can track, monitor, and print out interview questions and answers. With an InterviewUp Username, you earn points for creating, answering, and updating interview questions and answers. The more you share, the more points you receive! Then, check out your ranking at InterviewUp's User Statistics and see who's on top at InterviewUp," the official blog of the service reads.

At this time, there are a lot of Q&A websites but none of them is focused on a single topic such as InterviewUp. For example, Yahoo Answers is pretty popular among the fans of this kind of technologies with millions of consumers posting questions and answers. However, Yahoo's product invites users to post entries on all topics, being different from InterviewUp which tries to attract only interviewees and interviewers.