The chewing will stop, most likely

Dec 16, 2008 14:28 GMT  ·  By

We all went to school, and some of you might still be attending some form of educational institution, and this means papers, exams, and a lot to learn. Just take a second to think about how many times you have thrown away a pen or pencil because it was almost unusable due to the excessive chewing you put it through? As far as common behavior specialists are concerned, the chewing of the object you're supposed to write with is an almost involuntary act. Even more, the specialists from a British design company claim that persons who are chewing are more distracted from their tasks than those who refrain from this. And this is how the the Pre-chewed Pencils have been created...

One could admit of having raised an eyebrow when they came upon the Pre-chewed Pencils for the first time, pretty much like anyone else would. After all, spending some money on pencils that look like they've just been saved from the mouth of an over-playful dog isn't one thing you do everyday.

Yet, the company called Concentrate claims that, by stopping students from chewing on their pencils, their attention will be channeled towards their tasks, improving their education and helping them learn faster. The new pencil type looks like it has already been chewed on by someone else, and this should make pupils uneasy with inserting it in their mouths. So, instead of focusing on the chewing action, more brain resources are believed to be used for educational purposes.

When asked about the reasons which have led to such an innovation, Mark Champkins, Concentrate company manager, declared that "We began to look at the reasons that children might be distracted, uncomfortable, or unable to focus in lessons - and we set about designing some simple, cost-effective products to address some of the problems," as cited by Ananova. It only remains to see whether students using the Pre-chewed pencils will have better school results when compared to the other pupils. In case the difference is very small, it means we just get better teeth and might stop throwing away writing utensils.

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