Who the hell doesn't dig games anyway?

Jan 15, 2008 11:06 GMT  ·  By

Not that this isn't another unnecessary piece of news standing as a reminder that porn mixes with just about everything and it so happens that it goes great with video games, but here's a question for you: Aren't porn stars people too?

Porn stars aren't any different that me and you? (don't tell me you're a porn star...). You don't hear anyone saying "Softpedia Games Editor Loves Milk and Cookies Late At Night," so there you go, there's practically nothing that doesn't make a good topic as long as porn is thrown in there with it.

However, this time it's a bit different. A rather interesting interview carried out by blokes over at GameDaily reveals actual porn-star-thoughts in relation to video games. Care for a few samples?

"Rachel & Layla

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GD: Do you mind if your boyfriend plays video games? Rachel: [Looks suspicious] Why are you asking me this question? GD: No particular reason. Layla: [To Rachel] Relax, Rachel. He's just asking a question. Me, I don't mind. I like video games. I think it's OK for a man to play them. GD: Is it attractive to you? Seeing a man play video games? Layla: Now, I wouldn't go that far."

We can all agree that no one expected a thorough answer, describing real gaming moments that girls and their boyfriends shared, but indeed it happened. Jenna Haze is here to amaze:

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"GD: Do you find nerds attractive? Jenna: [Looks offended] Do I like nerds? I am a nerd. I have shelves full of books at home about vampires and werewolves. And I always have my PSP with me. Right now I'm playing Jeanne D'Arc, which is just awesome. Also, I've got a PS3 and I'm dying for the new Final Fantasy to come out. See? I told you I was a total nerd. GD: I think I am in love. Jenna: That's understandable."

So, all that remains is for you to share an impression (if you will).