Ridiculous to the bone

Jun 16, 2007 07:52 GMT  ·  By

I really don't know if this is simple anime/game-madness or a real medical issue, but anyway I will say that the Japanese have just done it again with these new headphones. Among the huge variety of headphones from the audiophile to the professional DJ ones that cost thousands of dollars and down to the dumbest models like the Transformers-headphones, one buyer can actually choose pretty much everything there is (and will be) to headphones.

It looks like themed stuff is back in business one more time as more and more fan-items are to be found on the online market. Some of this gear is pretty neat and well worth the money, especially as we're talking collector items. From shirts to baseball caps, pens and themed handheld/mobile shells and from key chains to coffee jugs, everything goes.

Nevertheless, the headphones we're talking about today are one of the most futile and almost ridiculous pieces of headgear I've ever seen in a long time: the Pokemon-themed headphones which I instantly named Pokephones.

I really can't exactly give a customer profile; maybe a large part of those who would wear such a thing comprises children who are really into the Pokemon world, from the anime series to stickers and all the Poke-merchandise there is. And that would be OK. In fact, should these headphones have been made for children only, I guess that would have been OK. But I just happen to know adults who would buy AND wear them, since these guys are Pokemon fans as well.

Now, can you imagine a guy in his 30's, 6' tall and 200 lb, with a thick beard and listening to his fav music on an iPod wearing the Pikachu headphones? I can, and I am almost laughing, because the ridiculous look of these headphones would be even more ridiculous on this guy.

If you feel like you can't be hurt by the others' laughs, go get these horrid Pokephones and hit the streets. You'll surely make some people happy for a few minutes.

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Feel like you're not ridiculous enough? Put these on!
There is no limit to the ridiculePikachu will beat the crap out of anybody. Won't he?
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