Sep 21, 2010 10:15 GMT  ·  By

Eyedip, a mobile entertainment company specialized in development and distribution of software and applications, has just announced that Pocket Devil and its iPad version have updated with new content. At the same time, the developer also announced that another of its titles, Flight Doodle can now be downloaded for free from the AppStore

Even though the school has already began, Pocket Devil update is called “Back to School”and invites all gamers back to the schoolyard to come and play.

If that looks normal to you, well the game's developers are planning a big surprise for gamers, as they will be able to play with their eternal souls.

Pocket Devil Chapter 12: “Back to School” new update is compatible with the Retina Display graphics for iPhone 4 owners.

In Pocket Devil players will be able to summon hordes of devilish underlings called “The Mugat2.”

Much like in the Overlord game series for PC, the player can completely annihilate them, as their malevolent overseer.

For that you will have a wide array of torture methods like the new “iron maiden” themed locker.

Points and trophies are also earned in mini-games, including a brand new slingshot game that shoots the tiny minions straight into heaven!

“It's incredibly fun to play with the Retina Display graphics, it just looks so rich and brilliant,” says Eyedip Co-Founder Jeremy Adelman.

“The school-themed additions make for terrific new features as well.” Co-Founder Steven Fleisher added, “With new mini-games and ways to torture the little guys, it's hilariously fun!”

Pocket Devil - Hell Yeah! Can be downloaded from the AppStore for only $0.99, while Pocket Devil HD - Hell Yeah! is available for $2.99.

Flight Doodle for iPhone, which was priced at $0.99 in the past, will be available for free from the AppStore.

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Pocket Devil HD screenshotPocket Devil HD screenshot