Guitar Hero music technology premiered at Leicester Square Station

Apr 10, 2006 06:25 GMT  ·  By

To celebrate the release of the stunning Guitar Hero for PlayStation 2, publisher RedOctane hosted a special public "PlayStation busking" performance at Leicester Square London Underground station.

25-year-old Luke Albiges from Bournemouth performed for two hours using a live music kit comprising the replica Gibson SG guitar, a portable power pack, traditional amplifier, PlayStation 2 with Joytech LCD screen and a copy of the game.

Despite the fact this isn't a traditional instrument you'd find on the Carling-sponsored busking pitches, Luke's performances required skill and determination as he thrashed out lead guitar parts to over 30 classic rock tunes such as Take Me Out, Ace of Spades and Ziggy Stardust, using the specially-developed PlayStation-controller. Just like real guitar, one slipped finger or poorly-timed strum could result in a duff note.

"Whilst this can never replace traditional guitar playing, we think it nonetheless provided a potential glimpse of the future," says Kelly Sumner, CEO, RedOctane. "Interactive music technology is opening up all sorts of possibilities. We hope some Guitar Hero players will go on to graduate to the real guitar - and, who knows, maybe it will give the PlayStation generation the confidence to become heroes of the Carling stages of the future."

The secret of Guitar Hero is simple. While most games are designed to be played, Guitar Hero is meant to be rocked. It allows PlayStation 2 owners to perform 30 fully licensed classic rock songs on a unique guitar peripheral, modeled on the classic Gibson SG. Once strapped on, the controller becomes the ultimate way to jam, making players not just feel like rock gods, but look like them, too. Guitar Hero also boasts 17 additional songs from up and coming artists and eight additional Gibson guitars, which can be unlocked throughout the game.

Loaded magazine recently declared Guitar Hero to be: "The best game ever. Fact." It has picked up countless awards since its release in America last November and sold through every single copy of the game which has been shipped.