The hackers leaked some data from the Italian PS3 community

Feb 21, 2012 15:21 GMT  ·  By

SoveReign and Shad0wfiend, hackers part of The Hackers Army (THA), breached the PlayStation 3 community website called PS3 Planet (, leaking some information from their databases to prove that they gained access. Voice of Grey Hat reports that the site, designed for Italian speakers, was taken offline as a result of the breach, but it was soon restored.

The hackers leaked administrator IP addresses, server details, database structures and they even posted a screenshot which showed that the site was under their control.

It’s uncertain if other, more sensitive, information is published online somewhere, but as a precaution, users who own accounts on PS3 Planet are advised to change their passwords. On the other hand, administrators are recommended to patch up the issues that allowed the hackers to gain access.

While this last advise should not be given to any site admins, presumably because they know what must be done, practice shows us that unfortunately many websites remain vulnerable after being breached.