By July 2008

Jan 10, 2007 11:18 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has provided official confirmation of the fact that it plans to add video games to the Zune digital media player. Although the Redmond Company failed to reveal the actual date when the gaming content will be made available for Zune, Peter Moore Corporate Vice President, Interactive Entertainment Business, Entertainment and Devices Division, did disclose that this will happen within 18 months.

As Apple's CEO Steve Jobs showcased iPhone at Macworld 2007, Moore's announcement fails to counterbalance the situation. Currently, all statistics indicate that Microsoft is lagging far behind Apple on the digital media player market. Even if the Redmond Company manages to add gaming content to Zune, this aspect will not deliver sufficient momentum to the market performance of Zune to permit Microsoft's digital media player to catch up with Apple.

At the 2007 International Consumer show in Las Vegas, Peter Moore only revealed that Microsoft plans to release games for Zune by July 2008. He failed to give indications as what those handheld games might be, and as yet, there are no speculations related to certain titles.

But like the Zune's wireless capabilities, the addition of games will not make the difference between Microsoft and Apple and convince users to flock to Zune. But combined, wireless gaming on the 3-inch display might just provide a consistent incentive to boost Zune's adoption with the public. The only downside to this is that the July 2008 deadline feels like a case of too little, too late.

At the moment, Microsoft is content with the Zune sales and says it is right on track to sell 1 million items of the digital media player by June 30, 2007.