Some very original penalty shots

Jun 7, 2006 06:46 GMT  ·  By

As I've told you yesterday, the Football World Cup is starting on Friday, and since quite a lot of people are watching this event in special sports bars, where a lot of booze is consumed, somebody thought that it would be a very good idea to offer a surprise to the usual patrons, namely to let them take penalty shots in the restroom's urinals, with the help of PeeGoal.

PeeGoal is as simple as it is practical, formed out of a rubberized green base (which remotely resembles the color of a football field), a goal post and a little ball, attached to a string. I don't think that any details regarding the manner in which this device is operated are necessary, as the photos are quite self-explanatory.

PeeGoal can be installed easily, can be adapted very to the dimensions of any urinal (by simply cutting pieces from the "football field"), and also has quite a practical function, because it prevents the drain to get clogged with cigarette butts or other unwanted objects. It can be used in any public toiled, but it's very likely that you'll generally find such devices mostly in sports bars or in the stadiums' toilets (if you're one of the lucky people watching the matches live).

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