The baby cat was fortunately rescued and will soon be put up for adoption

Aug 23, 2012 14:55 GMT  ·  By

A kitten recently put up for adoption is to be referred to as Fender Linx by its owners, thanks to an incident that made it quite famous.

Thus, the baby cat managed to escape a pack of pit bull terriers by hiding in a Dodge minivan, very close to the engine. However, the dogs spared no efforts in trying to sink their teeth in it, meaning that they pretty much destroyed the vehicle.

One might believe that this sort of damage can only be seen after two cars happen to crash into one another, but it seems that once a pit bull terrier decides that it desperately wants something, nothing can stand between it and the object of its desire.

Although nobody is saying that this particular dog breed is in itself a bad one, we cannot help but notice that the pack which went after said kitten comprised of some very determined and very aggressive animals.