Say a big warm "Welcome" to the Cutthroat and the Buccaneer

May 15, 2008 22:06 GMT  ·  By

Game developer Flying Labs has announced that its pirate-themed MMO will be getting two new classes as part of a bigger transformation of the game experience that will be introduced with patch 1.4. The changes are intended to make the game a bit more accessible and to provide some balance when it comes to battles between pirates and other powers in the game.

Up until now, the Pirate class has been a front under which all manners of high-sea, no good characters hid. With the introduction of the Buccaneer, Flying Labs aims to create a balance in the world of the pirate types. The usual Pirates will now be called Cutthroats. They will be the basic hack and slash pirate that sees possible wealth, uses force and a bit of stealth to approach it, plunders and then moves on. These abilities and skills in the game will be the ones that are currently assigned to the Pirate class.

On the other hand, the Buccaneer is more refined and, at the same time, more capable in his endeavors. His game is not killing, but rather taking things from under the noses of those who have them. They are more capable of casting debuffs against enemies and buffs for their friends, so they should complement nicely the more combat-oriented Cutthroats.

Buccaneers can't capture ships, but they can engage in other nefarious activities. They can disable enemy ships more easily and can guide other players in for a killing blow against a certain target. They can also disorient and distract other players, making it easier for pirates to get into battle or to get out. They can also make an allied crew tougher in battle and help repair damage much quicker. The full list of abilities that will be available to the Buccaneer is on the official Pirates of the Burning Sea blogs and, as the developers point out, the list is likely to change as the game update date approaches.