The Gamexpert DSL Sound System

Sep 23, 2006 06:46 GMT  ·  By

The DS Lite from Nintendo is - without a doubt - one of the greatest hits in the very long history of the Japanese gaming console manufacturer, proving a lot more popular (from the sales point of view) than its closest competitor, the (almost) equally famous PSP from Sony. And since it's quite a well known fact that almost every successful product is followed by a whole bunch of third-party accessories, the same happened in the case of the DS Lite, as the Pinpoint Digital company is getting ready to launch its Gamexpert DSL Sound System, a lightweight detachable speaker designed especially for Nintendo's portable gaming console.

The sound system is quite interesting, matching the general design of the DS Lite, and has relatively small dimensions, so it can be simply fitted onto the DS Lite (well, actually the DS Lite slots onto the compact DSL Sound System) and left in place, so that the user can enjoy better quality sound in his games at all times. Moreover, this very special sound system can either be powered by the original DS Lite power supply or by the rechargeable Li-ion battery included, so that it will let the user enjoy the advantages offered by the combined units for a longer period of time.

It seems that the designers have made quite a good job at matching the look of the Gamexpert DSL Sound System with that of the DS Lite, and - in order to make this combo a perfect match - they're releasing the device in both white and black (the colors of the DS Lite). The sound system, if it works as advertised, could be a very interesting addition to your portable Nintendo experience, although one question really troubles me: where's the pink version?

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