The unusual bird was spotted flying around the town of Bolton

Jun 24, 2014 14:53 GMT  ·  By
Photo shows a pink and white pigeon that has recently made an appearance in the UK
   Photo shows a pink and white pigeon that has recently made an appearance in the UK

If you're on the market for a reminder that Mother Nature and its wacky ways are nothing short of amazing, look no further than this piece of news.

In a nutshell, people living in the town of Bolton in the United Kingdom claim to have recently spotted a pink and white pigeon flying around, and that they even have photos proving that they are no liars.

One of these photos is available above, and it clearly shows a pigeon whose plumage is white and pink. Thus, the bird's head is the only body part sporting mainstream (and quite boring, if you ask me) grey feathers.

According to Daily Mail, the bird was spotted and photographed by a 58-year-old man named David Taylor and a 27-year-old woman named Gemma Pidluski. Both agree that they have never seen anything like it.

“I saw a pink bird on the roof on the house opposite me and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It looked very unusual so I grabbed my camera because I didn’t think anyone would believe me if I told them what I’d seen,” David says in a statement.

“I have just been sitting at home and a pink pigeon has landed on my shed roof. Is it real? I have googled it and sure enough there are pink pigeons. Bit of nice news for a change,” adds Gemma.

This is yet to be confirmed, but chances are that the bird's peculiar colors are due to a diet especially rich in two food pigments dubbed beta carotene and canthaxanthin.