The polar bear family now lives at Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia

Mar 27, 2014 23:26 GMT  ·  By
Polar bear cub at Novobirsk Zoo caught on camera while cuddling with its mom
   Polar bear cub at Novobirsk Zoo caught on camera while cuddling with its mom

Polar bear cubs must be some of the cutest and most adorable creatures ever to walk (better said, crawl) the face of the Earth. If you doubt this, just check out the picture above and get ready to feel your heart melting inside your chest.

According to Daily Mail, the baby polar bear pictured above was born at Novosibirsk Zoo in Russia earlier this year, in January. It is a girl and there is no denying that, when it grows, it will be just as gorgeous as its mom, Kay.

The cub spent its first few weeks of its life inside the den where it was born, and it has only recently made its public debut. However, it would appear that it is not yet ready to look its fans in the eye, which is why it often buries its face in its mom's fur.

Keepers at Novosibirsk Zoo say that, when it is not hiding from curious gazes, the cub keeps itself entertained by playing with its mom and exploring the family's outdoors enclosure. Needless to say, Kay is always by its side, just to make sure the cub doesn't get into trouble.

In case anyone was wondering, the picture above was taken by a 33-year-old photographer named Anton Belovodchenko, who was just visiting the zoo when the polar bear cub and its mom decided to cuddle together. Talking to the press, Anton Belovodchenko admitted that he was surprised to see how fluffy and white the polar bear cub looked when compared to its mom.