The sibling was enjoying a nap, did not appreciate the disturbance

Nov 8, 2013 02:26 GMT  ·  By

Panda bear cubs must be some of the most stressed creatures in the world. People expect them to look cute all the time, and having nothing except eat and sleep to do all day long can prove quite tiring after a while.

With all this pressure, it's no wonder that the tiny furballs often feel like making a run for it.

This is precisely what the cub featured in the pictures above tried to do. Unfortunately, its plan to squeeze through the bars of its enclosure backfired.

The panda cub somehow lost its bearing, fell and landed right on top of its sibling. The latter was sleeping, and it did not exactly appreciate being woken up in this brutal manner.

The good news is that none of the pandas got hurt, so feel free to be amused by the sight of them lying on top of one another.

Daily Mail tells us that the pictures were taken by photographer David Jenkins at Bifengxia Panda Reserve in Chengdu, China. The baby pandas were born at this facility, and are now merely 6 months old.