The picture was taken in the waters of the Red Sea by photographer Alex Tattersall

Mar 20, 2013 10:30 GMT  ·  By

Just in case the mutant squirrel that recently showed up in Southampton failed to convince some people that pollution harms the environment in ways we can't even begin to imagine, here's further evident in support of this theory.

A mutant fish seems to really enjoy swimming around the Red Sea with the help of its newly acquired set of flippers-wearing feet.

The picture was taken by photographer Alex Tattersall from Bournemouth, Daily Mail reports. Fear not, the feet actually belong to Alex Tattersall's diving friend.

“I’d love to claim credit for setting it up so perfectly, but it really was a case of being in the right place at the right time,” the photographer later told members of the press.

“I was hoping to get some shots of the colourful marine life, and I didn't even realise the brilliant angle of this picture until after I'd taken it,” he went on to argue.