The picture was taken at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas by Andrew Murch

May 8, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Swimsuit season is just around the corner, so few can blame the lemon shark in these two pictures for wishing to get in shape by only eating really tiny fish.

Fear not, I am just joking. The lemon shark is not on some crazy diet, and the little fish just happened to be swimming by as the shark opened its mouth and smiled for the camera.

Sources say that the picture was taken at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas by photographer Andrew Murch.

The photographer said that, while swimming in those waters, several such sharks came dangerously close to him, but that none had ever tried to attack him.

“The lemons were practically bouncing off my underwater camera, but they showed no aggressiveness towards me during this photo shoot,” Andrew Murch told the press.