The boy decides to put on a bear costume, the bear can't stop looking at him

May 27, 2013 17:01 GMT  ·  By

I dare say this picture is proof enough that, when visiting the zoo, your choice of wardrobe really matters.

More so if you think having a bear or some other fierce carnivore stare at you for several minutes in a row is something you might enjoy.

The little boy pictured above decided to wear a bear costume when visiting the Minnesota Zoo.

I'm not sure whether this decision was some elaborate plan to get the grizzly bear's attention, but by the looks of it, things worked like a charm: all the boy had to do was assume position in front of the bear's enclosure and wait for the animal to notice him.

From where I stand, one question remains unanswered: did the bear realize it was looking at a boy wearing a bear costume, or did it assume it was merely admiring its good looks in a mirror?