Sadly, there's no sight of leprechauns and pots of gold

Jun 12, 2013 07:16 GMT  ·  By

Shortly after being posted, the picture above took Redditors by storm. It allegedly shows the end of a rainbow as caught on camera by someone behind the wheel of a car.

Though I have to admit that that splash of light on the ground looks as if it’s the end of the rainbow, scientific facts tell us that this is not the case, simply because rainbows don't really have an end.

Long story short: rainbows are made in the sky and remain there regardless of how much we'd want them to drop by for a quick visit.

What's more, they're full circles of which we only get to see about half because the earth's horizon is dead-set on getting in our way.

So no, there is no way this picture can actually show the end of the rainbow. Still, I dare say it's pretty cool for an optical illusion.