The creatures look as if they are about to fall, eventually manage to keep their balance

May 21, 2013 20:41 GMT  ·  By
Baby opposums caught on camera while monkeying around near a farm in Minnesota (click to see full image)
   Baby opposums caught on camera while monkeying around near a farm in Minnesota (click to see full image)

These three-month-old baby opossums were spotted monkeying around on a branch by photographer Ronald Wittek.

The cute creatures might be young, yet they are also pretty determined to go about exploring their surroundings. Unfortunately, they don't exactly master the technique of keeping their balance.

Hence their looking as if they are about to fall.

Ronald Wittek says that, after a few desperate attempts to return to safety, the baby possums managed to regain control of their limbs and get back on the branch.

“The babies that slipped from the branch hung on for a few minutes before they were able to climb back on the branch,” Ronald Wittek reportedly told the press.

“They use their Tails almost like they use their paws – I don't think they panicked when they slipped,” the photographer went on say.

The picture was taken near a farm in Minnesota, US.