Unfortunately, the cub's mom doesn't look impressed

Aug 23, 2013 21:01 GMT  ·  By

It was only a few months ago when Psy's “Gangnam Style” took the world by storm. Fortunately, most people seem to have forgotten that said song and its accompanying video ever happened.

Still, it looks like the tune is just now beginning to gain popularity among wild animals. Check out the picture above if you don't believe me.

The photo was taken in Finland by wildlife photographer Mark Sisson, Huffington Post informs us.

The photographer explains that grizzly bears usually stand on their hind legs whenever they wish to survey their surroundings and make sure they are safe.

However, this little fellow looks less like it’s keeping an eye out for potential threats, and more like it’s trying to parody Phy's movements on the dance floor.

Unfortunately, its mother doesn't look impressed. Truth be told, neither do the bear cub's brothers.