The baby skunk is only three weeks old, it is still being suckled by its mother

Jul 1, 2013 12:44 GMT  ·  By

About three weeks ago, a female skunk living at Five Sisters Zoo in West Lothian gave birth to an albino offspring.

The baby skunk looks utterly adorable, its caretakers say. Because it is very young, it spends most of its time hidden inside the den. It is still being suckled by its mother, Daily Mail reports.

Zoo employees explain that, had this albino skunk been born in the wild, it would have probably died in a matter of days.

This is because, unlike its parents and most other representatives of this species, its peculiar body color would have made it impossible for it to hide from predators.

“If born in the wild, this skunk would not really have a chance of survival. Skunks are normally black and white and their coat and tail help to protect them against predators,” keeper Lynn McKechnie told the press.

“But an albino skunk, who does not have that defense mechanism, would probably be picked off very quickly.”