Insomniac commands you to

Aug 27, 2008 19:39 GMT  ·  By

More and more companies are joining the user interaction bandwagon, hoping that improved interaction with the player base will result in better sales and better public image for game developers and publishers. Insomniac Games, which are getting ready to launch a new installment in the Resistance franchise, are now looking to the fans of the series to help them choose the new cover design for the PlayStation 3 title Resistance 2.


Basically, the company has put up three possible covers for the box art and now they are asking people who are excited about the game to send e-mails to decide which of the three gets picked to be featured on all the copies of the game in the world.


It's worth noting that we're not talking about the regular edition of Resistance 2 but about the Collector's Edition of the game, which people are going to preserve and look at years from now.


Ted Price, who is the president and Chief Executive Offiver of Insomniac Games, stated that "Insomniac takes community feedback seriously. We interview our fans on the Full Moon Show podcast. We created an R&D website serving aspiring game developers. And we hang out on the forums until the wee hours. We've even polled fans to select which hapless animal enemies turn into when firing the Morph-O-Ray in Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (sorry, penguin-lovers). Now, we turn to the community with an even bigger question: Which image do you want to see on your Resistance 2 Collector's Edition cover?".


It would have been interesting to see the company ask the fans to design a box art themselves, but maybe that's just asking too much from them. Still, the chance to contribute to the effort to put out a great game, like Resistance 2 is shaping up to be, is too good to pass up. Head over to Insomniac to see how you can vote.