PRISM scandal proves Obama continues Bush’s terror policies, pic suggests

Jun 8, 2013 10:38 GMT  ·  By
Composite pic “George W. Obama” shows Obama applies some of Bush’s most controversial policies
   Composite pic “George W. Obama” shows Obama applies some of Bush’s most controversial policies

With the PRISM scandal taking up headlines on front pages all across the US, The Huffington Post is doing its bid to point out to something that the citizens at home might have overlooked: he’s no different from predecessor George W. Bush when it comes to embracing certain measures.

Click on the image above to see it in full.

It’s the header for a HuffPo editorial on how Obama is doing nothing different from Bush in terms of terror policies, even though he was one of their most bitter critics at the time.

At the time, Obama was just a Senator but, according to new evidence on mass US government spying, he’s treading into Bush’s footsteps.

Below is The Today report on the photo, which has gone viral already and is now the subject of heated debate on social media.