The resulting pictures are meant to promote conservation efforts

Jan 10, 2013 12:29 GMT  ·  By

The news that two models have recently agreed to swim alongside several whale sharks for the sole purpose of allowing photographer Kristian Schmidt to take some very impressive and green-oriented pictures is now taking the online community by storm.

The photo shoot took place in the Philippines, and the people who organized it say that they spent roughly four months planning it, sources report.

In order to attract the whale sharks and convince them to stick around for as long as it took to shoot these stunning photographs, locals were asked to bring bits and pieces of fish and feed them to the animals.

Both photographer Kristian Schmidt, and models Hannah Fraser and Roberta Mancino, explain that their goal was that of raising awareness with respect to the need to protect aquatic ecosystems and various marine animals that fall victims to poaching activities on a regular basis.

Footage of the photo shoot is made available to you in the video below.