Companies can use the new tool to enhance their resilience

Aug 2, 2013 18:31 GMT  ·  By

PhishMe, a company that specializes in helping organizations defend themselves against phishing, malware and drive-by attacks, has launched a new service called Phish Reporter.

Phish Reporter is an easy-to-install Outlook Add-in that allows users to report suspected phishing emails with a simple click.

“With the new Phish Reporter button, organizations can effectively turn their employees into spear-phishing sensors,” commented Rohyt Belani, CEO and co-founder of PhishMe.

“Many of our customers have successfully created an awareness culture in which employees can identify spear-phishing emails, but they lacked a fast, effective way to report these emails to the appropriate department within the organization. Phish Reporter will help fill this void.”

Phish Reporter allows organizations to create incident reports of phishing emails over an extended period of time, and harvest attacker information that can be utilized to reduce incident response time.

The new add-in is useful not just because it helps a company’s internal IT security team analyze threats, but also because it’s designed to collect reports of phishing emails sent from PhishMe as well.

By tracking the number of phishing emails correctly identified by targeted employees, the service can also help in enhancing employee capabilities.