Two men are detained for no apparent reason, the officers frisking them make racist jokes

Oct 14, 2013 13:48 GMT  ·  By

Two men are stopped by the police for no good reason in a police brutality video captured in North Philadelphia.

The clip has gone viral on YouTube and you can watch a fragment of it in the news report above.

*The rest can be played here

, but user discretion is advised, as it contains harsh, graphic language.

Two men were restrained and frisked by police officers after saying hello to a third man. The men were asked why they would do that, and did not provoke the officers. They were not armed at the time.

"You don't say hi to strangers. [...] Not in this neighborhood," one of deputies tells the “suspect.”

The officer has been identified as Philip Nace of the 25th district. According to Raw Story, Nace and his partner made racist comments about the men not deserving to live in the United States.

They are currently on desk duty as an investigation takes place, but they have not been suspended.