Expansion plans are already being made

Nov 19, 2008 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts is a company well known for the fact that if it has a successful game, it won't hesitate to make it a franchise, and produce more similar titles, even though they bring very small changes to the original, only to make a quick profit. Yearly franchises like the Need For Speed or the sports ones like FIFA or Madden have become a tradition for the publisher.

Recently, it seems that EA is trying to change this trend, as the president of the company stated that it would focus on creating new IPs (Intellectual Properties) like Dead Space, which would already have plans for a supposed sequel. This statement was backed up by EA Sports' president, Peter Moore, who talked about the division's new fitness title, EA Sports Active, which is set to rival Wii Fit.

The game might see future iterations, like EA Sports Soccer or EA Sports Abs, which will enhance the fitness experience through specific exercises based on certain routines and sports. Moore explained that the company might not use the licenses it already owns, like FIFA or NFL, but would surely use them if there was demand from users.

“Think of EA Sports Active as a pretty comprehensive product line. It's not just software but peripherals as well. Down the road, there will be more of a total workout game. But you can imagine there's an abs version down the road. There's a soccer version down the road. So, EA Sports Soccer, EA Sports Abs. I'm not saying we're not going to use our licensed properties, but right now we're focusing on expansion of the EA Sports Active brand, bringing positive experiences into the living rooms for these consumers, and talking to a consumer we've never spoken to before.”

These are very interesting statements which might make users think that the company will start exploiting this new franchise again. But let's just hope that EA will provide a great fitness experience, and that all the titles which will be launched in this product line will continue to make gamers happy.