Jan 6, 2011 20:21 GMT  ·  By
The ideal age for women to go on a diet and be successful with it is 28, study reveals
   The ideal age for women to go on a diet and be successful with it is 28, study reveals

Even though it’s already been established that New Year’s resolutions are no longer considered hip, it’s a new year and perhaps you’re thinking of making a change for the better. If weight loss is your resolution and you happen to be a 28-year-old female, you’re just in luck.

A new study conducted by Lambrini Light on over 3,000 women of all ages and cited by the Daily Mail reveals that the ideal age to start losing weight for women is now set at 28, meaning that’s when they’re most motivated and more likely to succeed in their efforts.

Still, that’s not to say you will be successful with your diet from the very first time, because many women aged 28 have admitted to failure – but the rate is much lower in them than in women in other age groups.

Apparently, since women are now marrying later in life, at 28, they’re only reaching their peak. They’re dating, pursue a career, and are therefore more focused on staying in top shape.

At the opposite pole are women in their 30s, who can’t seem to find the time required to diet and workout, while women in their 40s or 50s have lost nearly all interest in taking care of how they look and don’t have the energy to diet.

Women who, in 2010, went on two separate diets / lifestyle changes, spend an average of £131.57 on getting exercise, which also includes money spent on working out gear, the Mail says.

“With women getting married later than ever, many 28-year-old females will be single, on the dating scene and leading an active social life, which may explain why they are so successful at healthy eating and maintaining a good figure,” Sue Beck of Lambrini Light says for the Mail.

“Many will also be at the peak of their career, leading fast-paced lives which will help shift any excess weight alongside a diet,” Beck adds.

“It’s inevitable that the older women get and longer they are in a stable, happy relationship the more comfortable they become with their body and embrace their curves,” the same rep explains.