The animals were caught on camera while swimming around in the icy water

Oct 18, 2012 15:19 GMT  ·  By
Wildlife photographer snags award for photo showing penguins under the icy waters of the Antarctic
   Wildlife photographer snags award for photo showing penguins under the icy waters of the Antarctic

Only recently, wildlife photographer Paul Nicklen won a highly prestigious award for a picture which showed countless penguins swimming around with stunning swiftness and agility in the icy waters of the Antarctic.

Thus, he was declared to be the wildlife photographer of the year, thanks to his “Bubble-jetting emperors.”

This photos competition is sponsored by Veolia, and is considered to be the most prestigious of its kind.

Truth be told, the image is quite impressive, which is why there are probably quite few that might have something to say against Paul Nicklen's winning this award.

“It was a fantastic sight as hundreds launched themselves out of the water and onto the ice above me – a moment that I felt incredibly fortunate to witness and one I’ll never forget,” the wildlife photographer commented with respect to this image.