The digital pad is already being marketed

Jul 25, 2007 07:40 GMT  ·  By

Genius, known as a brand division of KYE Systems, recently announced the availability of a new ultra-sensitive digital pad, dubbed the Genius PenSketch 9X12.

As most of the digital pads available on the market, this one is addressed at graphic designers, artists and professionals, but also at teenagers that want to start a career in a certain artistic field.

The wonderful PenSketch 9X12 has a large work area and is cordless to maximize comfort for long work hours and extended use for any professional or amateur user. Some extra stand-out features include a pen holder and a programmable "hot cell" feature that allows users to fine-tune their craft while using shortcuts and preprogrammed moves for repeated motion. I can even imagine one of these babies used by one of the Pixar fellows.

The rubber-coated cordless pen features two buttons that can be programmed as the mouse left and right buttons. The pen features a small and sleek shape; it can control all kinds of shapes and is built with 1024-level of pressure to make thickness control, editing and design an easy task.

The fact that the pen is ultra-sensitive makes the PenSketch 9X12 a "must-have", as the trend setters say, for designers and artists who want realistic results, all while providing features that allow for extended use, since the device is easy to use and quite affordable, especially for the artists that have already a name in the industry.

Regarding the pricing and availability details, Genius fixed a bargain priced at $249.00. Furthermore, the PenSketch is said to be bundled with some of the best software for designers on the market, so that should guarantee its major success on the market.

As for the capabilities, you should know that the unit comes with a full version of Adobe Photoshop Software 3.0, Corel Painter IX, Annotate All, Annotate for Word, Pen Commander, PenMail, PenSigner and PenPresenter, so it enables the user to do almost everything from editing photos to creating professional art work on this Genius design pad.