Dec 30, 2010 14:40 GMT  ·  By

GoSolarUSA, the company marketing Yosion’s Peel 520 iPod touch accessory, has issued its second report this month acknowledging strong holiday sales of Apple products this year, a phenomenon which GSLO believes will boost the market for accessories designed for use with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

GoSolarUSA is dedicated to aggressively acquiring, developing and marketing promising and potentially profitable technology, the company claims.

President and CEO, Tyson Rohde, went on record to inform industry analysts were proclaiming the Apple iPad as the season’s hottest gift item.

Citing these knowledgeable people, GSLO reveals that around six million iPads are expected to be sold in the current quarter alone.

It adds that announced Monday that the iPod touch was its second best-selling electronic device during the holiday season behind the Kindle e-book reader.

For a few months now, GSLO has been advertising an iPod touch accessory called the “Peel 520” which enables owners to use the portable media player as a phone.

The company plans to do the same with the iPad, although Yosion - the chinese developer of the Peel 520 - is yet to provide a finished product.

GSLO is also funding the development of accessories designed for use with products from Apple’s top competitors, including Android devices and BlackBerry phones.

“The market for Apple accessories has undeniably grown by a substantial margin over the holiday shopping season,” Rohde said.

“The projected sales for Apple products in this quarter and beyond prompted GoSolarUSA to invest in the development of groundbreaking mobile accessories such as the PREEcharge and the Peel 520,” added Rohde.

“We are convinced there is a very strong market for accessories designed for use with Apple devices,” Rohde concluded.