Available at Debenhams, this item will be this winter’s hottest

Dec 1, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By
PeachyBody from PeachyPink boasts of melting three inches of fat off the thighs in just 21 days
   PeachyBody from PeachyPink boasts of melting three inches of fat off the thighs in just 21 days

While many women have already started their special pre-Christmas combo of dieting and working out (but mostly the former), others will opt for the easiest way out with the help of a new product that brags of being able to do away with cellulite in just 21 days. They’re called the PeachyBody pants and are available at Debenhams – and will see very strong sales this holiday season, the Daily Mail says.

Unlike the Scala Bio-Fir underpants we were telling you a while back, that came with a special fabric that included crystals that became heated when in contact with the skin, the PeachyBody pants only act by means of friction. That is to say, when rubbing against the skin, they stimulate blood flow to the area, which, in turn, burns fat. It’s a simple mechanism and it works, makers PeachyPink say, promising three inches off the thigh in as little as 21 days.

“Made from a tightly woven polyamide material similar to 62 dernier tights, they work by massaging the body to improve blood flow. A 3D wave effect in the material gently squeezes the skin as the wearer moves, compressing fat cells together with excess liquids in the subcutaneous layer of skin. The compression and the body’s natural warmth stimulate the break-down of retained fluids, toxins and fatty deposits, which are then excreted through the liver and kidneys,” the Mail writes of the new product.

According to studies conducted thus far, simply wearing the pants (that is, without limiting food intake or doing more exercise than usual) can burn up to 60 or 70 percent of the daily calorie intake, meaning double the amount burned with daily activities. This way, wearing the PeachyBody pants for 8 hours a day on 21 consecutive days will have as effect a much more toned figure, with the pants centering problem areas like the thighs, backside and even tummy.

With news like this, it’s no wonder the makers are already estimating amazing sales over the next few days. “Pre-Christmas is the peak shopping period for nip and tuck undergarments. But shoppers are increasingly savvy about the range of ‘shapewear’ available on the High Street. With Christmas parties fast approaching, a product that slims, lifts and smoothes the skin is this year’s undercover essential. With nearly 90 per cent of women suffering from the dreaded orange peel effect, we predict a sell-out result,” Annette Warburton, head of lingerie buying at Debenhams, says for the Mail.