The hair tattoo is the fix for baldness, receding hairlines and thinning hair

Oct 25, 2012 14:51 GMT  ·  By

A tattoo parlor in the States performs artwork on a men and women's scalps, revealing a modern and affordable cure for baldness.

Basically, the trick is to create an optical illusion of hair on one's scalp, by drawing on a hairline.

The company that premiered this technique is Good Look Ink, and they dub the procedure Cosmetic Transdermal Hair Replication.

The tattoo parlor offers “The look of a full head of hair, non-surgically and permanently,” by simply tattooing on hair.

This trick can also work for fixing a receding hairline or thinning hair. The process takes between 1 to 8 hours, and it requires that clients submit themselves to tens of thousands of impressions on their scalp.