He told her to stay safe

Mar 10, 2008 19:56 GMT  ·  By

Being famous is all Paris Hilton does, and, by God, she does it so well. If it's not the drama over being banned from the Oscars, it's a photo shoot with her almost naked, and lowering the bar even further, a shower scene and, my gosh, even some sex tapes that were released for the world to see. I guess a bunch of money inherited helped out with that as well, but she keeps drawing attention like something stinky draws flies, if you'll pardon the indelicate approach.

The conversation mentioned in the title aired last week, in the Phreaky Phriday audio track, and auditors can hear the diva getting an earnest lesson in telephone security from a 24-year-old white-hat phone freak, as Wired's Threat Level revealed. Here's a quick, savorous moment transcripted from the conversation:

Lucky: You got something to write with? Paris: Ummm, no, 'cause I'm lying on a table. Lucky: Oh.

That's all you needed to know in order to get a feel of how the discussion went, but I'll give you one more taste of what it means to be a self-sufficient celebrity:

Hilton: How do you know everything? Lucky: I've been in the phone hacking scene for quite a long time ... In fact, I had left you a voice mail back in September of 2004, and you actually took down my phone number, but I don't think you had actually called me back, about how T-Mobile was insecure. And, like, I think a couple days later was when somebody hacked your sh*t. Hilton: I know. It happened on my birthday. Lucky: It happened on your birthday? Hilton: Yeah, that's so sad. ? People are mean.

Indeed they are, Paris, but if you haven't password-protected your information, two or more years after, your info, pictures and all have been stolen, I guess you kind of deserved it, and I can't think of anybody who would disagree. Guess what the media star did after finding out that she needed to talk to the Cingular people in order to put a password? If your money was on "Nothing," congratulations, you've just won your bet entry sum, because nobody bet against you! On a side note, you did get by the way she was talking that it did not impress her for one second that she was talking to a hacker, or wasn't at least bothered by it.