Jason Moore is pushing a book offering an insight into Paris, the business empire

Aug 3, 2009 13:39 GMT  ·  By
Paris Hilton’s former manager, Jason Moore, plans tell-all on the heiress, “Controlling Chaos”
   Paris Hilton’s former manager, Jason Moore, plans tell-all on the heiress, “Controlling Chaos”

Admittedly, Paris Hilton is a very shrewd businesswoman, having build an empire on her image alone. Paris Hilton has several very successful fashion lines, accessory collections, beauty products and her career in television and movies. What Paris does not have, though, according Rush & Molloy from the New York Daily News, is a confidentiality agreement with her estranged manager Jason Moore, and he is now shopping a tell-all book to all the major publishing houses in the US.

Apparently, when Paris signed Moore on, she did not think to have him sign a confidentiality agreement that would have barred him from spreading whatever details he got while working with her to the media, once their collaboration was over. Because of this, Moore can now dish it all out in a book – which is precisely what he plans on doing, thus shedding some light on the money-making machine that is the Paris Hilton brand. Since he worked closely with her for such a long time, it is believed some embarrassing details are also bound to come out to light.

“Hilton rep Dawn Miller sounded none too pleased when we told her that publishers are bidding on Moore’s book about the star-making machinery behind Paris’ rise. It’s being pitched as a business book about how Moore molded ‘this blond piece of clay into a global icon’ with a reality TV franchise and fashion and beauty lines. But editors are also expecting Moore, who says he didn’t sign a confidentiality agreement, to dish on behind-the-scenes drama.” Rush & Molloy say.

One of the topics that Moore will tackle in his book, the same sources add, is the image of “celebutard” that Paris has created for her, and that took ten years in the making under the manager’s close supervision. No matter how much the heiress argues now that this is just an image that has little to do with the reality (as she has done on more than one occasion), the truth is that it was the only thing that Moore could do with Paris in order to have her sell and cash in the checks. In other words, the former manager says Paris is just as much of an airhead as the public perceives her.

“Jason will demonstrate how, for 10 years, he managed to save his mercurial client from disgrace by manipulating the media, and Paris herself. Paris was oftentimes her own worst enemy, […] nursing hangovers during photo shoots, falling asleep everywhere, and getting thrown in jail for numerous driving violations. If Paris Hilton didn’t have Jason Moore pulling the strings, cleaning up her messes ... she could well have faded into oblivion.” a letter pitching “Controlling Chaos,” the book in question, reads. “[She] spent hours at a time posing in front of the mirror, nailing down the ideal position to create the perfect paparazzi photo.” the document further reads as regards Hilton’s “celebutard” image.

Moore and Hilton ended their collaboration last year, the NY Daily News says, amidst speculation he had problems at home for spending so little time there, since Paris was such a hands-on client, requiring 24/7 assistance to get out of trouble. An estimated release date for “Controlling Chaos” has not yet been announced.