Considered one of the best deals for the holidays

Dec 11, 2008 15:16 GMT  ·  By

Pantech is also contributing to the winter holiday season mobile line-up with its very own C630, reportedly one of the most affordable and well-equipped devices for its price. This initiative comes from Pantech Wireless Inc., the American subsidiary of the Korean company Pantech Group.

This classic candy bar shaped Pantech delivers very well designed features, while its form factor isn't random at all, but created to work great with its capabilities. When creating it, the main idea was probably to come up with a mobile that not only packed a lot more than you would expect in a phone so attractive regarding the price, but also to make it so that it managed switching back and forth between tasks very easily.

Thus, the text messaging, IM multimedia messaging, fast Internet browsing and Turn-to-Turn direction using the AT&T Navigator GPS system capabilities of the phone are swift, and deliver a highly applaudable experience. Adding the C630 3G connectivity and its large music format support, it can also turn into a device that will keep you interested and entertained day and night.

Furthermore, it comes with a 1.3 Megapixel camera, Bluetooth and microSD card support, plus AT&T's contribution, the AT&T Music Store and AT&T Video Share capabilities. Not only that but, despite being pretty thin and small, the materials used in its design include a rubberized back panel, a mirrored screen and a joystick pad. After also noting the number keys with light included, there's no room left for doubt regarding the C630.

Patrick Beattie, vice president of sales and marketing at Pantech, proudly stated that, "The C630 is a little phone with big functionality. [...] We packed a lot in this device while working to keep the price affordable. Pantech believes that advanced functionality can be available for all levels of users."

Should you be interested, or in need of other details, the device is to be released tomorrow via AT&T, surprisingly costing only $39 on a two-year deal, with a mail-in rebate included.