From Panasonic

Feb 19, 2006 23:14 GMT  ·  By

Time goes by and so do the new technologies. The new devices are a living proof of that well-known truth. For example, up until now, whenever you talked about heating up food and precooked products, the first thing that came to your mind was the microwave oven.

But who says that microwaves are the only ones able to achieve this goal? Panasonic started to experiment with another type of waves, as famous as the first in the field of cooking, and obtained the infrared oven.

According to the list of technical specifications available on Panasonic's site, the new Flash Express technology helps to cook toast and frozen pizza much faster than conventional toaster ovens, 40% faster to be more exact.

Aside from this benefit, the oven from Panasonic is ready to heat the food instantly, eliminating in this way the need for preheating. In addition, you have six preset buttons and the ability to set cooking times of up to 25 minutes.

In conclusion, if you think that a new infrared light oven would look good next to the microwave oven and the obsolete toaster, and you also have an extra $120, then this is what you need.

P.S. We are looking forward to the first studies saying that the infrared waves are harmful and can cause different forms of cancer.

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