The celebrity climbs aboard the SSS Brigitte Bardot, hugs an activist

Nov 6, 2012 09:29 GMT  ·  By
Pamela Anderson shows her support for Sea Shepherd and their latest anti-whaling campaign
   Pamela Anderson shows her support for Sea Shepherd and their latest anti-whaling campaign

Only recently, Hollywood sweetheart Pamela Anderson joined green-oriented organization Sea Shepherd in the launching of their new anti-whaling campaign: Operation Zero Tolerance.

Wishing to show her support for this organization, animal activist Pamela Anderson agreed to wear a Sea Shepherd wetsuit and climbed aboard the SSS Brigitte Bardot, now resting in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles.

As well as this, the celebrity spoke to members of the press and emphasized the fact that the work carried out by those environmentalists was of utmost importance as far as protecting marine biodiversity was concerned.

According to the official website for the Sea Shepherd organization, Pamela Anderson's exact words were as follows: “I love Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson and his organization are doing great work.”

Furthermore, “We have to do everything we can to protect biodiversity in our oceans. As Paul says, 'If the oceans die, we die.'”

Besides asking that the general public and the media support Operation Zero Tolerance and other similar campaigns launched by these activists, Pamela Anderson rode a jet ski and even hugged an activists who showed up at this meeting wearing a shark costume.

Therefore, one can assume that the celebrity had the opportunity to also have some fun while pushing for marine conservation.

Up until now, the SSS Brigitte Bardot helped Sea Shepherd members protect the sharks inhabiting the waters in the South Pacific Ocean.

However, the ship is to leave Los Angeles on November 11, and set sail towards the North Pacific, where it will help protect various marine mammals from Japanese whalers.

“The plan is for our fleet to meet the whaling fleet in the North Pacific off Japan. We are planning to take the battle pretty much up to Japan itself,” explains Peter Hammarstedt, captain of the SSS Bob Barker.

This year, as many as 4 ships and more than 100 international crewmembers from 23 distinct nations are to take part in the fight against Japanese whalers.