Xploiter & Dr.Freak urge the bank to secure its systems

Jul 17, 2013 09:00 GMT  ·  By

The website of Allied Bank Limited (abl.com), a commercial bank in Pakistan, has been breached and defaced by a couple of Pakistani hackers called Xploiter & Dr.Freak.

This is not the first bank targeted by the two. According to The Hackers Post, they’ve also claimed to have breached Habib Bank Limited and Soneri Bank, leaking some data from each of their systems.

This time, the hackers say they’ve defaced the bank’s website in response to accusations that their data leaks are fake.

According to a statement posted on the site, the hackers urge the bank’s representatives to test their website to make sure their customers’ financial information is safe.

Currently, the site of Allied Bank Limited has been restored. A mirror of the defacement is available on zone-hc.com.