Oct 8, 2010 15:10 GMT  ·  By
Parents’ Television Council criticizes Britney Spears’ “Glee” episode
   Parents’ Television Council criticizes Britney Spears’ “Glee” episode

Pop star Britney Spears was on “Glee” the other week, in what turned out to be one of the most popular episodes of the series so far. Be that as it may, the Parents’ Television Council is not happy.

The PTC has a history (if you will) of criticizing Britney Spears, first picking on her because of her “If U Seek Amy,” which eventually had to be renamed.

This time, though, it’s not so much with Britney that it’s picking a fight but rather with the producers of the popular television series for choosing her for an episode.

According to Digital Spy, a post on the PTC’s official website damns the decision to have Spears on the show, saying it equals the “deification of a troubled popstar.”

“The Council criticized the ‘pandering tribute to toxic teen role model Britney Spears’ and added that it was worse than some other television shows because more children are likely to watch,” Digital Spy reports.

Aside from the fact that it included such a “toxic” role model as Britney, the episode also featured lots of skimpy outfits, which, again, is not suitable for a show that also targets youngsters and teens.

Moreover, given Britney’s troubled personal life, having her on “Glee” means an open “endorsement of narcotics abuse” and “school-sanctioned burlesque.”

Nevertheless, the PTC makes it sound like none of this is worse than the fact that the entire episode centered on Britney Spears who, the Council seems to be saying, shouldn’t be showered with this kind of attention.

“Perhaps most troubling is the deification of a troubled popstar into a symbol of empowerment and self-esteem,” the PTC preaches.

“Considering her stints in rehab, her very public breakdowns and her questionable parenting skills, there is absolutely no way Spears should be considered a role model,” the group also says.

“The producers of the show can spare us the old song-and-dance about fallen celebs turning their lives around,” the PTC concludes.

As also hinted above, last time Britney Spears got in trouble with the PTC it was in January 2009, when the group complained about “If U Seek Amy” and how these words could be pronounced in a way that would mean something else.

To avoid a possible media ban, Britney’s label eventually agreed to drop the “k” in “seek.”