Be the first to see gameplay footage, interviews, artwork and more

May 21, 2007 10:54 GMT  ·  By

P3Zine has a good rep among the best videogames magazines, with exclusive screens and coverage of PS3 titles. Although Sony's console doesn't sport many titles so far, some of them do deserve publicity. One of those titles is Colin McRae: DiRT for PS3. Issue 3 of PS3Zine is pushing the boundaries of digital publications, including a full audio interview embedded in the magazine.

Cranberry Publishing's P3Zine is only published digitally, in PDF format. The pages are enhanced with games videos and animated screenshots as well as other types of interactivity. Readers can download the magazine for free and without registration directly from the GamerZines website. It emphasizes game reviews, reports on newly announced updates for PlayStation services, like PS Network and PS Home, special competitions and events etc.

"Digital publications can present videogames in the best possible manner, and the Colin McRae preview and interview in this issue of P3Zine illustrate this perfectly - read the preview and look at the screenshots, watch the gameplay video, listen to the interview and then send us your thoughts on the game - all directly from the magazine page!" explains Dave Taylor, Publishing Director.

Why does The Colin McRae series deserve its place in issue 3 of PS3Zine? As I was saying before, the PS3 can use some good titles, as not many are available out there. The game has always been established as a serious racer, but the new version takes gamers off road and includes stunning visuals and gameplay. Through PS3Zine, gamers can now enjoy exclusive screenshots and access in this issue of P3Zine, together with a full developer interview included in both written format and the original audio interview.

Hands-on previews of The Darkness, Stuntman Ignition and Dark Sector as well as reviews of Spiderman 3 and PS Network titles are available to check out.